
* To remove unemployment problem of the youth from rural Bangladesh.

* To decrease the child mortality at birth.

* To ensure safe delivery at community level.

* To Provide with nutritional supplement to lactating mother and newly born baby.

* To raise awareness among people to take ANC and PNC.

* Rising out of school children (ROSE)

* Raising awareness of violence against women and assistance to the victims.

* Legal aid and support to the victims to of violence through ADR court case by community support, shelter and intervention of arbitration council of union porishad and village court to be ensured.

* Baseline data developed to measure the depthless of violence and trafficking and there by violence against women will be tackled and reduced to % percentage in the project area.

* BDR, local administration and law enforcing agents rendering support in combating VAW and trafficking.

* Project running efficiently and effectively.

* To sensitize the community about fundamental human rights of the disabled people.

* To organize seminar/workshop among the community people, political leaders, policy makers, government officials, NGO officials, journalist and disabled people.

* To train up physically, and blind disabled about there fundamental human rights.

* To cover radio and TV spot.

* To do advocacy to the different level of concerned authorities to implement the rights of the disabled people.

* Raising awareness on maternal and child health care and nutrition and adolescents reproductive health.